DATASET: Hospital ward dynamic contact network

Release data: Sep 14, 2013

This dataset contains the temporal network of contacts between patients, patients and health-care workers (HCWs) and among HCWs in a hospital ward in Lyon, France, from Monday, December 6, 2010 at 1:00 pm to Friday, December 10, 2010 at 2:00 pm. The study included 46 HCWs and 29 patients.

The file contains a tab-separated list representing the active contacts during 20-second intervals of the data collection. Each line has the form “t i j Si Sj“, where i and j are the anonymous IDs of the persons in contact, Si and Sj are their statuses (NUR=paramedical staff, i.e. nurses and nurses’ aides; PAT=Patient; MED=Medical doctor; ADM=administrative staff), and the interval during which this contact was active is [ t – 20s, t ]. If multiple contacts are active in a given interval, you will see multiple lines starting with the same value of t. Time is measured in seconds.


Terms and conditions

The data are distributed to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. When this data is used in published research or for visualization purposes, please cite the following paper: P. Vanhems et al., Estimating Potential Infection Transmission Routes in Hospital Wards Using Wearable Proximity Sensors, PLoS ONE 8(9): e73970 (2013). Please also acknowledge the SocioPatterns collaboration and provide a link to

download iconContact list, TSV (tab-separated values) format, 110KB


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